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Classification and difference between mechanical seals and hydraulic seals

Definitions of mechanical seals and hydraulic seals:

Mechanical seal is one of the precision and complex mechanical basic elements, and is the key component of various pumps, reaction synthesis kettles, turbine compressors, submersible motors and other equipment. Its sealing performance and service life depend on many factors, such as model selection, machine accuracy, correct installation and use, etc.

The hydraulic seal has pressure requirements, and the joint surface is required to have a certain degree of smoothness. The sealing element is mostly rubber, and the sealing effect is achieved through the local deformation of the sealing element.

Classification of mechanical and hydraulic seals

Mechanical seal model: cartridge seal series, light mechanical seal series, heavy mechanical seal series, etc

Hydraulic seals: lip type seals, V-shaped seals, U-shaped seals, Y-shaped seals, YX shaped seals and commonly used composite seals for hydraulic cylinders are mainly bud shaped rings, grid rings and stem seals.

Nathan Chen
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